Knee pain is some of the most common complaints there is in our office. Although most doctors will examination, diagnose then just break the knee, there are plenty of other factors that often can cause or, at the regular, contribute to the went on problem. Other than simply masking the painful condition a good deal cortisone injections or pain killers, another typical "treatment" choice for doctors jogs my memory of an old joke. A patient sees their own doctor for pain along with says, "Hey Doc, it hurts my partner and i do this. " That he then says, "Don't use this treatment! " This is another easy solution with the person, but is not a very realistic selection for you. After all, why should you stop doing everything you love to do although your doctor doesn't want to take the time it takes to pick the real cause of your lack of control?

For instance, most lateral knee pain of runners can be due to something called iliotibial band syndrome or ITBS. The Iliotibial band is located at the end of the muscle that runs around outer part of epidermis thigh called tensor structures latae. What can cause this syndrome? Any problem of the hip to the foot there could be be the culprit with an ongoing knee problem. The sources of an over contraction navigation systems tensor fascia latae muscle is often due to a weakness of the attractive abductors, which bring the leg out along the side of the body. Another cause might be what are called trigger-points close to the thigh or calf weight training. These are nodules or knots on the muscle that causes shortcoming or over-contraction.

How will we find the problem?

Only through a thorough physical exam and muscle testing regimen will any of us ultimately determine which organ of the kinetic chain (in this example: the hip, knee, foot and ankle) is distorted thus the actual painful condition, irregardless of in the event the actual pain is.

How do we fix this sort of problem in our office?

After locating, testing and identifying the problem area only when it's a weak muscle(s), an over contracted one or the use of trigger-points, we then treat through the elimination of the spasms, strengthening muscles and eliminating the trigger-points by various skills. In our office, at this point is the most beneficial type of treatment in reducing and then eliminating trigger-points is deep , stomach tissue laser therapy. Our Class IV Laser not solely reduces trigger-points, pain, swelling and inflammation furthermore importantly actually promotes whilst accelerates healing.

This is really the only method to permanently and realistically lucid painful musculoskeletal conditions than it is masking the pain glaring tissue deadening procedures these include cortisone and pain negating medications.



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